Naima 1 år

En glad liten födelsedags tjej ....

Leonard fick oxå ett uppskattat paket !!!

Ville var såklart med på kalaset!
This Is Gonna Hurt: The Documentaries part 1&2

Effektiv dag ....
Idag har jag & Mia varit inne i Vindeln och shoppat, gjort massa ärenden och fikat hos en god vän !
Mia köpte blommor till syster Lisa som tack för hjälpen med hennes blogg design ni ser hur det blev HÄR !!!
& jag har äntligen fått hem mina COOLA kaststjärnor !!!!

Har även ramat in mer Crue bilder...

Dom små den stora har jag ju haft ett tag de vet ni som följer bloggen ...

Så här glad blev syrran över blommorna !!!! Jättefin bukett från MY´s....

Lycksele & shoppat....
Ipzzie var rätt impad över shoppingen...

Puma gillade flames glasen bäst, jag e mest nöd med ramarna till mina nya Nikki bilder...

blev en musik video oxå ska lägga mej och kolla den nu...
Tack Mia & Mickel för en trevlig dag !

Nyaste Mötley prylen till samlingen...

Underbart väder idag...
& Äntligen fick missarna gå ut ...

Lordi på promenad....

Ipzzie stannade tryggt inne....

Har sandat en trygg väg till röklyan...

Små kissarna fixar disken...

Lisa kom förbi , tack för kattmaten :)
NIKKI SIXX: VINCE NEIL Is 'One Of The Greatest Frontmen Of All Time'

Revolver: You're very candid in the ["This Is Gonna Hurt: Music, Photography And Life Through The Distorted Lens Of Nikki Sixx"] book about how you feel about the guys in CRÜE: You love them, but you don't hang out the way you once did. You guys have never even been to each other's current homes. Was the book a way to restart a conversation, or is this something you've told them already?
Sixx: I've talked — we talk to each other. I thought it was interesting because Vince [Neil, CRÜE vocalist] put out a book ["Tattoos & Tequila: To Hell and Back with One of Rock's Most Notorious Frontmen"] recently. He had a ghostwriter, and the guy called me up and said, "You wanna talk about Vince?" So I told him my feelings about Vince: I really feel he's one of the greatest frontmen of all time and has such a unique sound, and I feel so blessed to have him in my life, and I don't think he understands how much I actually love him. The guy was like, "Thank you," and then — and it's the last thing he said — he goes, "You know, Vincedidn't say those things about you." And I was like, "Oh, well, that's his right to do that." He goes, "Is there anything else you wanna say?" I said, "Oh, you want me to say something mean because he said something mean? I don't have anything mean to say."
My book, it's very honest about where we're at at our age and where we've been. But we've had other documentation earlier in our life, you know, and this is about what's going on right now. I guess everyone has that right when they write a memoir. But I think that we have an opportunity and a responsibility when we do books for complete honesty. So in his case, he might have been being completely honest.
[On page 78 of Vince's autobiography, excerpts from which are available on the Hachette Book Group web site, Neil writes, "I don't think Nikki has changed much over the years. He still likes to portray himself as the Messiah. Everything is his. Everything is his idea. I'll look at him and think, 'Fuck! He just loves playing that persona.' And my sentiment is: 'I don't really care one way or the other. If he wants to be that, fine.' I do my job, and I fucking have fun. But in Nikki's world, he has to be known as the 'thinker,' or the 'creator;' He needs to be seen as Mr. All-Important.Nikki Sixx, tortured soul. Just like Tommy [Lee, MÖTLEY CRÜEdrummer], he's another one of those guys who just love the whole fame thing. He wouldn't have been with the tattoo artist Kat Von D if she wasn't famous. And [former 'Baywatch' actress] Donna D'Errico before her; she was a huge star at the time he married her. He just really likes to see his face in the paper. He likes the press buzz. He likes being that guy from the band with famous girlfriends.
"I mean, you should read the e-mails [Nikki] sends about MÖTLEY. He goes, 'I've crunched the numbers, and we should do this...' And I'm like, 'What? Is he my fucking accountant now? I mean, what the fuck?' He makes these decisions for MÖTLEY CRÜE that I think are just stupid. I call him up and I'll be like, 'You're the worst businessman in the fucking world. You're a fucking idiot!' And he'll be like, 'How can you say that?' And I'll be like, 'Because you are a fucking idiot.' Just because something looks good on paper with your name on it doesn't mean it's going to work."]
Revolver: Speaking of honest, the guys in GODSMACK wrote "Cryin' Like A Bitch" about you...
Sixx: Made me laugh so hard.
Revolver: You allude to the song in the book. You said when you were younger, you probably would have done something, but now you just laugh it off.
Sixx: It was funny because it made me laugh. Everybody that I know would call me or send emails and laugh at the song, saying, "How can you be saying someone's crying like a bitch when you're the only crying?" And that's the stuff that makes me laugh. I don't get mad, I actually laugh. And I played the song on my radio show ["Sixx Sense"] and then I asked the band to come do an interview with me. And they wouldn't do it.
They were doing something down at some studio, but I heard, "You know, the guys are really nervous, like, you were gonna come over and start a fight." And I go, "About what?" I just thought it was funny — it was like a 14-year-old mentality. Come on. If you're gonna hit somebody, dude, hit them with a 2x4, not with a toothpick. I mean, fucking do it. "Cryin' Like A Bitch"? Really? Come on, let's go big.
Revolver: In terms of just a song, did you like it?
Sixx: It was just GODSMACK — it was OK. I mean, they're not THE ROLLING STONES.
En lugn helg....
Har tillbringat helgen med kissarna & att pyssla,
fick även hem en liten cd till Mötley samlingen ....


Nu blir det film och testande av dessa chips..

Pysslar vidare...
Jag e rätt nöjd med mina nya tavlor....
Tack Challis & Lars som fixade mer ramar !
Tack Challis & Lars som fixade mer ramar !

Blev sommrig mat idag jag och missarna delade en burk tonfisk !



Några bilder från nya boken...

Idag har en god vän hjälpt mej skriva ut fina Crue bilder....
som jag ramat in !

Den nedre bilden är från NIKKI SIXX nya bok "THIS IS GONNA HURT"

Blev fler utskrivna bilder oxå men jag har brist på ramar...

Solen skiner men det blåser en hel del idag oxå så kissarna får vänta med promenader...

en del längtar ut medans andra softar...

Önskar er alla en TREVLIG HELG !
I´m going crazy.....
Känns som jag håller på bli lite lätt galen, inte mycke som går min väg nu...
hoppas på en vändning snart !!

Inte ens kissarna e sams ....

hjälpsamma var dom dock då jag rensade bort en massa skrot !!!

Nu blir det lakris & bejeweled hela kvällen e rätt nöjd med mitt nya rekord ..

& alla har vi varit små hittade den här bilden då jag städade idag .....

Bjuder på den här bilden & hoppas att ett gott skratt kan rädda dagen ...

Vi har helt enkelt våra egna stilar här hemma...

Snö helvetet...
Igår kväll rasade det från taket !!!!

Var bara att bita ihop och skotta bort eländet !!!

pust .....

Jag & Lordi


Men den nyaste kissen i familjen är denna jag fick av syster Challis !

Nu äntligen har jag en fungerande mobil igen ....

Det är väll det enda possitiva just nu för med skatten gick de riktigt åt helvete!!!
Dax för lite possitiva saker nu annars ska jag leva efter den här låten...
Dax för lite possitiva saker nu annars ska jag leva efter den här låten...
Nu e boken tryckt & här nedan en liten tjuvtitt...



Heldag i Vindeln...
Har hunnit träffa vänner,arbetskamrater, släkten
& min favorit blev en toppen dag !

Kloka ord från Mr.Sixx
"Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion,
seeking whom he may devour"


Ikväll e jag bortbjuden på party & även imorrn så kommer åter på söndag !!!
Tack Nettan för god lunch idag börjar bli en vana att käka hos er !!!

Kåldolmar till middag !
Blev bjuden på middag av Nettan & Lisa så gott & trevligt !

Sötaste Ville....
Har fått hem 2 Promos idag oxå blev en bra dag de här....

Färgat håret.....
Igår kväll....


Jag fick stor främmande igår av Challis Lars & barnen...

Kattleksakerna funkade utmärkt åt barnen oxå !

Sol & kattpromenader !
Kissarna e jäteglada att jag nu har tid att gå ut med dom...

Det var verkligen kalas väder idag !

Nu har jag fått upp gardiner i hallen oxå !

Har lagat mat idag oxå .....

Kolla in mitt nya Coola pride bälte !!!!
Måste bara köpa nya jeans oxå hmmmm
TOMMY LEE Intervju....

"People know they're going to see some crazy shit," says Tommy Lee of the Mötley Crüe live experience. "That's the one thing that keeps them coming back."
They'll have reason to attend this summer when Mötley Crüe hits the road with Poison for a national tour that promises to bring "some crazy shit" and then some. This pairing promises to be one of the biggest, brightest, and most bombastic this summer, and it's bound to go down in history as one of the best jaunts that either legendary rock 'n' roll band has embarked upon. However, as always, Tommy Lee has an endless number of projects firing on all cylinders.
His most recent Methods of Mayhem album, A Public Disservice Announcement, is locked and loaded with all kinds of unforgettable anthemic hard rock. Meanwhile, he's been spinning up a storm in venues across the U.S., bringing his own brand of propulsive electronic music to the masses and sparking up dance parties and mosh pits wherever he goes.
Tommy Lee sat down for an exclusive interview with editor and Dolor author Rick Florino about Mötley Crüe and Poison's summer tour, DJ-ing, some recent favorite flicks, and so much more.
How did the idea for the Mötley Crüe and Poison tour come together?
For awhile, it's something that the fans have been asking for. When promoters and enough people start asking you to do something, you're like, "Ah, okay, cool! Let's go do it!" [Laughs]
So was the tour created by that demand?
Pretty much! That's definitely how the ball started getting rolling. Then, we started kicking around some band names. The New York Dolls came up first, and it was like, "Yeah, that sounds awesome!" That's how it all started.
Do you remember the first time you heard Poison?
I think the first time I had seen or heard of them was a video. It was "Talk Dirty To Me." I remember seeing them, and I was tripping out, going, "Wow, these guys are kind of like us!" [Laughs] There was something a little different musically, which I remember liking. It was less metal or rock; it was more pop. It was more like Cheap Trick. Even in the riffs, you could hear it. I thought the riff in "Talk Dirty To Me" was a bit like a Cheap Trick riff. I was a big Cheap Trick fan growing up, and that's my first experience of Poison.
Is there anything about this summer's stage show that you're particularly thrilled about? What do you build the show from? Does it start from the setlist?
We're just getting started here. We've got some production meetings and stuff like that. It starts with a concept or a feel, and then we put the music around it. The music hasn't changed. We have our catalog of songs that we play. That pretty much stays the same, other than the order it's played in or different versions we create. As far as the show goes, we put the show together and figure out how to get all in there and make one big crazy rock show.
What's been your favorite stage setup from recent tours?
I really thought that the Dr. Felgood show was fucking rad. It was the one where we started out in a tiny box that was like a little padded cell on stage during CrüeFest 2009. That was fucking retarded, man [Laughs]. I like things that are forced perspective. We looked like these giant people in this little box with the room shrunk down and that room opened up into that gigantic stage. I love shit like that. Anytime you can fuck with everybody's mind like that, I'm in [Laughs]. That was probably one of my recent favorites. Going back a little further, the Carnival of Sins tour was pretty fucking epic. People remember those big moments. You remember that whole thing took place under a big-ass circus tent. There were flying drums and all kinds of wild shit. Those two are probably my most recent favorites.
During the Dr. Feelgood show, the stage show evolved with the songs.
Yes! It was definitely Transformer-ish and it kept taking on different shapes. There was a two-minute intermission where the set completely changed with this whole steam punk vibe. That was cool. I think that's the one thing people have grown to know—when they're coming to see Crüe play, they're going to get a fucking insane show that probably the other 42 bands who came through town that year didn't bring. That's for damn sure.
Is there any chance that you and Poison may share some stage time together?
It's still early! Who knows? You never know with that kind of stuff. We'll see what happens.
Is it especially gratifying to see young kids in the audience with their parents?
Of all the things that give you goosebumps and leave marks on you as an artist, that was a fucking huge one. I don't think there's anything cooler than looking out there, seeing a four-year-old kid on his dad's shoulders with his fucking devil horns up in the air screaming, "Shout At The Devil." You're like, "What the fuck?" [Laughs] Right there, my man, that is of epic proportions. It doesn't get any better than a whole new generation of people rocking to your shit. It doesn't get any better than that; it's fucking amazing. That's a big stamp saying, "You guys are going to be around for a long fucking time." You know?
It's a testament to the music. People are always going to need this kind of release.
They're always going to need some kind of release. It's nice to be a part of one of many releases that they look for in their lives.
Does it get challenging to always up the ante live?
That's the fun part [Laughs]. You put a couple of guys in a room—it's usually Nikki Sixx and I—and we just go nuts. Especially now, with the way technology is, anything that you can imagine, you can have. That's scary! They've got to get us out of the room. They're like, "Guys, you're spending way too much money!" That always happens [Laughs]. We call them "Dr. No." That's when the accountant comes through and goes, "You guys are out of your fucking minds!" We've typically always done that. We take the money that we've made and put it right back into the show because, why not?
Are you working on new music?
We haven't started yet. Nikki and I have both been busy making music for other projects. Everybody has been doing his thing. A lot of times, we write shit during soundcheck. Someone will bang out a drum beat or a bass or guitar riff, and we'll say, "Fuck, someone record this really quick! This is dope!" It's rare that all four of us are together unless we're on tour. That's always a good place to start stockpiling some ideas. I have a studio on my bus too. I'm sure this summer we'll end up throwing some shit down. We'll see what happens as far as new music goes.
Do Mötley Crüe, Methods of Mayhem, and your DJ project all come from different creative places? Or, is it all one mindset?
They're all really different. They're very different but all connected. I'm inspired daily by different styles of music constantly. It really comes from all over the place. I remember when I was first getting into the electronic music scene, and the hardcore Mötley fans were like, "What the fuck is he doing?" [Laughs] It was the strangest thing to me, when people would say that. I'm a drummer though; it makes all the sense in the world. I've seen 80,000 people pogo-ing up and down and moshing to The Prodigy, and there's not one guitar anywhere near the building. There's some serious energy in electronic music.
A lot of metal musicians have been crossing over to electronic music. You set a bit of a precedent.
Totally! I just got off a tour with Skrillex. For all of February, we went around and fucking ripped it. It's that same energy. I know the difference. I've been to and been a part of many chaotic shows. We're sitting there playing a place like Webster Hall, and we're playing some hard ass electronic music. People are moshing and fucking diving off of the stage. I'm talking about crazy punk rock shit to electronic music. It's pretty wild. People in the rock world would trip the fuck out.
There's not that much of a difference between electro and metal at the end of the day.
You totally see that. Guys like myself and Skrillex have played humongous crowds and being a drummer I know what makes people fucking jump and down and move. You take that stuff and interject it into a new style. You're bringing in your rock influences and electronic influences and balling it all up into one. You've got yourself a pretty explosive combination.
Have you seen any good movies recently?
I watched a movie the other night with my girlfriend that had a really cool ending. It was It's Kind of a Funny Story withZach Galifianakis. They're in a nut house, and it's very One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest. It's a really cool movie with a cool story. I just saw Due Date, and that was pretty funny!


Före ....

under tiden...


Med tanke på hur dåliga väggarna var får jag vara hyfsat nöjd med resultatet !

& en bild från de nymålade vardagsrummet oxå !!!!

Nedräkning nu....
Ca 2 dar tills jag e klar med hallen...
50 dagar tills SIXX AM ´s nya cd kommer ut &
29 tills NIKKI SIXX THIS IS GONNA HURT boken släpps...

Så var helgen snart över....
Har tagit mej lite ledigt , var hos Mia på middag & en trevlig kväll i fredags....

Med mitt hall projekt går det sakta men säkert e nu grundmålat ...

Men de e ju kalas väder så nu blir det att gå ut med kissarna...

Helg & inte ens halv klar....
Nu e hela hallen färdig spacklad & jag tar helg blev bjuden på vin & middag ....Toppen !!!

I vardagsrummet ser det destå bättre ut !!!
Lite nya MÖTLEY CRUE prylar har jag fått hem oxå...

Ännu ett projekt ....

Nu e det fint i vardagsrummet, jag kämpar vidare i hallen ,
har kommit till spacklingen där ....
sakta men säkert blir det nog ok....

Nu blir det lite Rock´n roll life tills imorrn då jag har mer spackel.....
Dagsfärska bilder från Nikkis sida.....

Man kan nu boka Nikkis bok "THIS IS GONNA HURT" på cdon & man kan förhands boka
SIXX AM cdn på amazon....
10 arbetstimmar senare...
Pust vilket arbete jag satt men i, världens värsta tapeter att få ner , rummet e inte stort men jag e fortfarande inte klar med att ta ner dom....sen ska de spacklas och slipas innan det går måla ....skam den som ger sej!

Nu ska jag vila händerna tills imorrn....blir att Zzzzzzzzzzz i soffan en stund med missarna nu !!!!

Trevligt sällskap & nytt projekt !
Träffade Naima & Leonard idag, efter jag varit hos tandläkaren...

Har börjat med ett nytt projekt som visar sej vara typ 1000ggr värre än jag trott,
nu e de för dålig belysning så jag och missarna njuter av Tema brott på tv 4 fakta...

Sportlovs väder !
Jag & missarna var ute på promenad imorrse igen....kalas väder verkligen !!!

Sen gick jag upp till Lisa & Peter & fick lunch + kaffe !

Ikväll ska jag se Lemmy filmen ...Jag träffade Motörhead för många år sedan trevliga grabbar ...
oxå e Nikki med i denna film har jag läst så det ska bli kul att se ....

Jag har nu börjat lästa boken TALES OF A RATT den verkar riktigt bra !
Har varit effektiv i helgen....Bytt gardiner...

Fick lite hjälp med strykningen..

utökat min cat wall of fame...

möblerat om lite men inga bilder på det än...

Ipzzle har övervakat allt...

Småtrollen trivs ute på våra promenader...

Lördags promenad...
Vi såg en massa rådjur idag...

Skaren höll inte så bra för lilla Puma idag....

Nu e det kväll & vi alla är inne med Ipzzie !

Önskar er alla en Trevlig lördag kväll !
Fredags kvällen.....
Jag somnade före klockan 10 igår kväll händer inte ofta...

Vaknade tidigt idag & ska gå ut i blåsten med min små kissar....




Ippzie får stanna inne och jag tror hon e lyckligast så....
Brorsan ringde från UDO konserten igår, och jag ångrar
Brorsan ringde från UDO konserten igår, och jag ångrar
nog lite att jag inte följde med...
Tatuering eller pensionsspara ????
Ja valet var ju inte svårt för mej, jag hade lagt undan lite Tattoo pengar som mor tyckte jag skulle använda till pensionssparande istället men näää jag lever för stunden.
& ja jag kan spara om jag vet vad jag ska ha pengarna
till. hade velat super spara nu och åka över till USA i sommar för att se MÖTLEY CRUE men näää från och med imorrn e jag arbetslös !!!!!!jag e både ledsen och besviken men vad gör man biter ihop!!!!

Har gjort mina kissar förvånade & glada idag....

Matte e de sant har du köpt mat????

Inte bara det nya lesaker oxå...

Finns några som tycker om mej idag iallfall....
Nöjd med dagen...
Idag har jag och världens bästa Ruttan varit i Lycksele och härjat.....
Vilket vackert Norrsken det var igår kväll men svårt att fota, mäktigt var det iallfall...

Tjusigt var det igår eftermiddag oxå ....

Dagens lunch värsta bakis lunchen men så var det inte hahahaha

Nu blir det film & sömn imorrn blir det jobbet.......
Mötley Crüe, Poison and New York Dolls Summer Tour Dates
7 Dallas, TX Gexa Energy Pavilion
9 San Antonio, TX A&T Center
10 Houston, TX Toyota Center
12 Albuquerque, NM Hard Rock Pavilion
14 Los Angeles, CA Hollywood Bowl
15 San Francisco, CA Bill Graham Civic Auditorium
17 Phoenix, AZ Desert Sky Pavilion
18 Las Vegas, NV Venue TBD
19 Salt Lake City, UT USANA Amphitheater
21 Kansas City, MO Sprint Center
22 Maryland Heights, MO Verizon Wireless Amphitheater
24 Minneapolis, MN Target Center
25 Milwaukee, WI Badley Center
26 Cincinnati, OH Riverbend Music Center
28 Toronto, ON Molson Amphitheater
29 Clarkston, MI DTE Energy Music Theatre
1 Tinley Park, IL FMB Amphitheater
2 Noblesville, IN Verizon Wireless Music Center
3 Nashville, TN Bridgestone Arena
5 Hollywood, FL Seminole Hard Rock Live Arena
6 Tampa, FL St. Pete Times Forum
8 Biloxi, MS Mississippi Coast Coliseum
9 Pelham, AL Verizon Wireless Music Center (Mötley Crüe & NY Dolls Only)
10 Atlanta, GA Aaron’s Amphitheater at Lakewood
12 Charlotte, NC Verizon Wireless Amphitheater
13 Hershey, PA Star Pavilion at Hershey Park
15 Uncasville, CT Mohegan Sun Arena
16 Camden, NJ Susquehanna Bank Center
19 Mansfield, MA Camcast Center
20 Uniondale, NY Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum
22 Darien Center, NY Darien Lakes Performing Arts Center
23 Saratoga Springs, NY Saratoga Performing Arts Center
24 Pittsburgh, PA Stage AE
27 Cheyenne, WY Frontier Days (Mötley Crüe Only)
29 Youngstown, OH Covelli Centre
30 Frederick, MD Outlaw Jam 2011
31 Scranton, PA Toyota Pavilion at Montage Mountain
5 Tomah, WI Fort McCoy
Mötley Crüe, Poison and New York Dolls Summer Tour Dates

7 Dallas, TX Gexa Energy Pavilion
9 San Antonio, TX A&T Center
10 Houston, TX Toyota Center
12 Albuquerque, NM Hard Rock Pavilion
14 Los Angeles, CA Hollywood Bowl
15 San Francisco, CA Bill Graham Civic Auditorium
17 Phoenix, AZ Desert Sky Pavilion
18 Las Vegas, NV Venue TBD
19 Salt Lake City, UT USANA Amphitheater
21 Kansas City, MO Sprint Center
22 Maryland Heights, MO Verizon Wireless Amphitheater
24 Minneapolis, MN Target Center
25 Milwaukee, WI Badley Center
26 Cincinnati, OH Riverbend Music Center
28 Toronto, ON Molson Amphitheater
29 Clarkston, MI DTE Energy Music Theatre
1 Tinley Park, IL FMB Amphitheater
2 Noblesville, IN Verizon Wireless Music Center
3 Nashville, TN Bridgestone Arena
5 Hollywood, FL Seminole Hard Rock Live Arena
6 Tampa, FL St. Pete Times Forum
8 Biloxi, MS Mississippi Coast Coliseum
9 Pelham, AL Verizon Wireless Music Center (Mötley Crüe & NY Dolls Only)
10 Atlanta, GA Aaron’s Amphitheater at Lakewood
12 Charlotte, NC Verizon Wireless Amphitheater
13 Hershey, PA Star Pavilion at Hershey Park
15 Uncasville, CT Mohegan Sun Arena
16 Camden, NJ Susquehanna Bank Center
19 Mansfield, MA Camcast Center
20 Uniondale, NY Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum
22 Darien Center, NY Darien Lakes Performing Arts Center
23 Saratoga Springs, NY Saratoga Performing Arts Center
24 Pittsburgh, PA Stage AE
27 Cheyenne, WY Frontier Days (Mötley Crüe Only)
29 Youngstown, OH Covelli Centre
30 Frederick, MD Outlaw Jam 2011
31 Scranton, PA Toyota Pavilion at Montage Mountain
5 Tomah, WI Fort McCoy
Underbart väder....
Idag var jag inte ensam på promenaden...

Tog med mej katterna i omgångar på promenad , eller näää Ipzzie freakade ur totalt så henne fick jag plumsa i snön & fånga hon var lika lycklig att få komma in som små trollen var att få gå ut.....



Nu e de städat & tvättat .....

& Ipzzie trygg inne .....
Ny mobil e beställd, känns bra kan ju inte ha min gamla som typ dör om nån ringer, den orkar med att smsa !!!
Beställde denna bok idag, har velat läsa den ett tag , handlar en hel del om Mötley oxå...

MÖTLEY CRÜE has released a statement confirming that it will embark on a summer "headlining" tour "with support from POISON and special guestNEW YORK DOLLS."
The dates for the trek, which is scheduled to kick off in early June, will be announced on on Tuesday, March 1 starting at 7 p.m. local time.
A press release issued by the POISON camp on Monday indicated that theBret Michaels-fronted glam rockers and MÖTLEY CRÜE would "co-headline" the tour, which is expected to include shows in Canada.
In a February 2004 online posting, MÖTLEY CRÜE bassist Nikki Sixx shot down reports that his then-band BRIDES OF DESTRUCTION would be touring later that year with POISON and KISS. "No way in fucking hell would we (BRIDES OF DESTRUCTION or MÖTLEY CRÜE) ever, ever tour with a fucking band like POISON," he wrote. "We have had talks with KISSand I told them very clearly that we would not do the tour if they usedPOISON. That would be the death of us... I will not be attached to that kind of fake bullshit..." When questioned about his comments in a May 2004 interview with the Stamford Advocate, Sixx explained, "I was in negotiations and said it depends who else is on the tour. If you're going to do a nostalgia thing, we're not interested. If you go get JET or THE DARKNESS, it sounds like fun. All of a sudden they come back with KISS, the BRIDES and POISON! There ain't no way in hell I'm doing that tour. I will not play with fucking POISON. There are followers and leaders. I'm not into followers."
During a July 2005 interview with the Fox 2 TV network, Sixx famously closed out the four-minute chat by calling the interviewer "an asshole" after he was asked the question, "Who rocked harder in the '80s: MÖTLEY CRÜE or POISON?"
When POISON drummer Rikki Rockett was questioned in an August 2006 interview with about Sixx being abrasively vocal in his displeasure about being categorized alongside POISON, Rikki replied, "Nikki really needs to get over it. I don't think a forty-something-year-old man should be acting like that; you'd think with all that Nikki has been through, he wouldn't care about these dumb little rivalries."