Sista natten med gänget igen på några dar ...
Igår hade jag Frodo här vi var på skogsvandring, han blev överlycklig över all snö han hittade!

Idag var det jag & Puma som var på vandring !!!

väntar på att den showen ska komma på nätet här en bild iallafall...

Vince har haft den årliga golfturneringen oxå ... IMPONERANDE !!!nästan 2 miljoner dollar till välgörenhet !!!

Vince Neil is joined by a bevy of Girls Girls Girls at the 14th Annual Skylar Neil Memorial Golf Tournament on May 7, 2010 in Simi Valley, California. The Skylar Neil Foundation was founded by singer and musician Vince Neil, in honor of his daughter Skylar, who passed away after a long battle with cancer in 1995.
The Skylar Neil Foundation’s mission is to honor Skylar by raising money and awareness through unique charitable events and activities it sponsors, and, grant and award the money raised to medical, research, and educational institutions/groups/individuals who are doing breakthrough work to find cures for cancer, AIDS, and other diseases. To date, Vince and the Skylar Neil Memorial Foundation have donated nearly two million dollars to various charitable organizations, including the T.J. Martell Foundation and the Lili Claire Foundation, who share a dedication to this cause.
Vince Neil - Skylar's Song
Whhoooho jag fick just svar av HEATHER LOCKLEAR

What was the best thing about your marrige to Tommy !
-He was a very fun loving and spontaneous person who was very genuine.
Postat av: Lizaloop
Ja inte blir man då lika glad själv av att se snö.... nu vill man bara bli av med den FORT!!!
Postat av: Anna
oj han är ju överlycklig!