28 December
It´s all crue .....

Bandana + crue trosor.....väntar nu på nya hooden och ett par röda trosor !!!

Fick en cool lampa av Challis i julklapp , nu kan du se hur snyggt de blev ! Tack !

Ipzzie trivs ....

Nikki Sixx Helps Cancer Ward Kids
to Get New Video Games
Nikki Sixx has turned Santa for young cancer patients in North Carolina after stepping in to replace videogame systems stolen from a hospice. Five consoles and equipment, used by kids undergoing life-saving cancer treatment, were taken from the Carolinas Medical Center on December 4 and when the bassist-turned-radio presenter heard the news, he offered to help.
Sixx reached out to Sony, Disney, Activision and Nintendo and asked bosses to donate replacements. As soon as they heard about what had happened, the companies sent consoles as well as games to the Carolinas Medical Center Children's Cancer Ward. EA Games and Microsoft also participated by giving away X-box 360 consoles and games.
A 45-year-old man has been arrested and charged with stealing the items.
Postat av: Mia
Lampan blev jättesnygg!!! Ipzzie också... ;-)