
Public Mayhem!
Who better to christen The Public Record with his bombastic brand of mayhem? It’s true that Tommy really could get just about anyone to play on this record, but this time he wants everyone to have the chance to contribute their musical ideas. Yes, every song will be open season for musicians everywhere to play the instrument of their choice and be a part of this historic moment in recorded music. A charitable donation to The MusiCares Foundation will be made on behalf of all participants, in lieu of royalties and/or performance fees. Submissions will be uploaded and evaluated by Tommy and his production team for inclusion into the world-wide release of “Public Mayhem”, the upcoming album by Methods of Mayhem. The very best contributors will be invited to perform with Tommy at the record release concert in Los Angeles. Starting October 5th, working stems for a new song will be released for download, giving you and other musicians of all skill levels a week to submit your parts. This happens every week until all the songs have gone through this process. The Public Record and Tommy Lee are giving everyone a chance to share in the music-making experience and finally put music back in the hands of the people.
Toodelidoo, tjejjen...
Tittar förbi & önskar dig en fin 1:a Advent
Massa varma kramar
Lordi där...hehe! vilken min han gör! Klockrent!
Dilana ja, ett album snart i min samling då!
Lycka till nu med jobbet, hoppas du känner dig riktigt pigg... L