Hemma & sjuk än.....

Tommy Lee Intervju från Suicide Girls....& underbara SIXX AM nyheter !


Brinn säng brinn.....

Vince Neil
September 28, 2010
International rock icon Vince Neil of Motley Crue and music industry leader Jeff Castelaz of Dangerbird Records, both fathers of children who lost their battles with Wilms’ Tumor, a rare form of pediatric cancer, are teaming up to launch a new joint fundraising and awareness initiative for their respective organizations -The Skylar Neil Memorial Foundation and The Pablove Foundation.
On Tuesday, September 28th, the two rock n’ roll fathers will return to Children's Hospital Los Angeles, where their children – Sklyar Neil and Pablo Thrailkill Castelaz – were treated. With renowned physician, Dr. Leo Mascarenhas, who treated both Skylar and Pablo, Neil and Castelaz will speak at this special press conference, along with several special guests.
Neil and Castelaz will honor the memory of their children, as well as all of the young cancer patients currently being treated at Childrens Hospital Los Angeles and across the country, while recognizing September as Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. The two dads will take this opportunity to announce plans to raise funds and awareness for the charitable foundations they created to fund pediatric research in the fight against childhood diseases.
Neil and Castelaz will then embark on their own respective tours across America to raise further awareness for their foundations. On the upcoming book tour for his newly release autobiography, Tattoos & Tequila: To Hell & Back With One Of Rock’s Most Notorious Frontmen, Neil will talk candidly about Skylar’s illness for the first time. The singer will also be donating proceeds from the sale of the book to the Skylar Neil Foundation, which has already raised more than $2 million dollars for cancer research. From October 2-21, Castelaz will embark on the second edition of the Pablove Across America cross-country bike tour, which rolls from Seattle to Los Angeles, and has already raised $150,000 in pledged donations to date. Castelaz and his crew of cyclists will spread awareness and garner support during their 20-day ride down the coast.
How To Help
Pablove Across America riders need to meet their fundraising goal of $500,000 for pediatric cancer research. Donors can support individual cyclists, form fundraising teams, or donate to the overall goal at www.pablove.org.
The Skylar Neil Foundation was founded by singer and musician Vince Neil, in honor of his daughter Skylar, who passed away after a long battle with cancer in 1995. The Skylar Neil Foundation’s mission is to honor Skylar by raising money and awareness through unique charitable events and activities it sponsors, and, grant and award the money raised to medical, research, and educational institutions/groups/individuals who are doing breakthrough work to find cures for cancer, AIDS, and other diseases.
The mission of The Pablove Foundation is to fund pediatric cancer research and advances in treatment; educate and empower cancer families; and improve the quality of life for children living with cancer through hospital play, music and arts programs. Since its founding, Pablove has put together a number of fantastic benefit concerts in Los Angeles, Austin and Milwaukee. Pablove has visited and contributed to playrooms at children’s hospitals in Arizona, California, Texas and Wisconsin, and has assembled an incredible Scientific Advisory Board to review research grant proposals. The organization will be hosting an upcoming Wilms’ Tumor Symposium to bring together families of patients with the country’s brightest pediatric cancer professionals, and is launching the Pablove Shutterbugs program to teach children living with cancer to develop their creative voice through the art of photography.
In Fall 2009, the inaugural Pablove Across America cross-country bike ride raised $250,000, and created worldwide awareness with the participation of cycling champion Lance Armstrong. For more information and updated news, visit pablove.org, or Pablove on Facebook and Twitter.
Tbx i Norrland !

Stockholm imorrn....

Stockholm om 2 dar....

Nya crue saker ....

Nedräkning till S-holm igen....

METHODS OF MAYHEM -A Public Disservice Announcement

Ute dag i solen !

Myssöndan fick ju inget bra slut !!!!

Söndag ....

Lördag ....

Fylld frys .....

Vad hände ?????

Sällskapsdag !

Tonight at Sixx Sense Tommy Lee

Mer Ozzy i Globen 7 september 2010

- Bark at the Moon
- Let Me Hear You Scream
- Mr. Crowley
- I Don't Know
- Fairies Wear Boots (Black Sabbath cover)
- Suicide Solution
- War Pigs (Black Sabbath cover)
- Road to Nowhere
- Into the Void (Black Sabbath cover)
- Shot in the Dark
- Rat Salad (Black Sabbath cover)
- Iron Man (Black Sabbath cover)
- Killer of Giants
- Fire in the Sky
- No More Tears
- I Don't Want to Change the World
- Crazy Train
- Encore:
- Mama, I'm Coming Home
- Paranoid (Black Sabbath cover)
Tbx i skogen igen ....

New & old Crue stuff home !!!

Hemma igen från storstan !

Efterfesten på Café Opera....
Ozzy Crashdiet & efterfest.....

Mer bilder sen jag e jättenöjd Ozzy var underbar & efterfestern på Café Opera var hur kul som helst !!
Vince book read here....
read some from the book here....
Stockholm & Ozzy ikväll...
Resan gick jättebra.....
Såg en del spännande saker efter vägen & var glada att det här var nångon annans bil !!!
Stannade till i Åkersberga och fick god middag med Peters släckt !
Sen mötte jag upp Morten som såklart e här för CRASHDIET !
Nu e vi hos kusin Ullis (som är i Skottland) men
med Håkan och barnen, är vi ...
Och har det bra!
Strålande sol idag & ikväll äntligen OZZY + CRAHDIET i globen !

The New York

"I've always had an eye for the oddities in life," said Sixx. "Even as a kid I saw the world in my own way and thought most things that were different were beautiful and magical. Even things that other people thought were horrifying and disgusting and weird. . . . People say I have a distorted lens. I think I see things as they really are."
Few of us have experienced life with the intensity, fury, and reckless abandon of Nikki Sixx, the wild rock star, driven entrepreneur, devoted father, former addict, bestselling author, and gifted photographer.
"This Is Gonna Hurt" is part photo, part journal — but all Nikki Sixx. It is a collection of compelling snapshots and stories that capture the rage, love, optimism, darkness, and determination that shape his work. Told with the raw authenticity that defined his New York Times bestseller "The Heroin Diaries", "This Is Gonna Hurt" chronicles Sixx's experience, from his early years filled with toxic waste to his success with MÖTLEY CRÜE, his death from an OD and rebirth to his addictions to music, photography, and love.
Love story, bad-ass rock tell-all, social commentary, family memoir, "This Is Gonna Hurt" offers the compelling insights of an artist and a man struggling to survive, connect, and find a happy ending — a search that fuels Sixx's being. "I want to take you on the journey I am on, in real time," Sixx writes. "If you don't deal with your demons, they will deal with you, and it's gonna hurt."
"This Is Gonna Hurt" includes a foreword by Sixx's ex-girlfriend, 28-year-old tattoo artist Kat Von D

Following the success of "The Heroin Diaries", Sixx's new band SIXX: A.M., is recording an album to be released in conjunction with "This Is Gonna Hurt". Some of the songs were inspired by the author's photographs; others inspired photographs of their own.
"This Is Gonna Hurt" will include more than two dozen of Nikki's images. He will incorporate the stories behind the pictures and how they came to be, including interviews with the subjects so readers can see "what life is like for those whom society has labeled as freaks."
In a September 1 Twitter posting, Sixx wrote: "So happy I just finished [writing] my new book. Next time remind me to use a ghostwriter."
Avslut !!!

Vince Neil
the Eighties
have been without
Motley Crue, and what would Motley Crue have been without Vince Neil?
On his way to Knebworth for a slot at Sonisphere Festival with the legendary sleazers, the controversial singer makes a stop in London to talk about the future, with and without his notorious partners in crime.
Vince Neil currently owns several businesses, replaced roasted cockroaches with Mexican food and he ditched Sunset Strip for Las Vegas! Is the old rock’n’roll hellraiser still hiding in there somewhere? Let’s see if we can get him out…
Sonic Shocks: Welcome back to England!
Vince: Thank you!
Sonic Shocks: So, it’s not just an album we are promoting today, but also a book and a tequila brand!
Vince: I had the tequila brand for five years, just getting the word out that it’s out there.
Sonic Shocks: Both your new album and book are entitled “Tattoos and tequila”, was that done to promote your tequila or the other way around?
Vince: (laughs) No, tattoos and tequilas is a way of life! I have lot of tattoos and own two tattoo parlours… It sounded like a good name, one that represents who I am really.
Sonic Shocks: Two tattoos parlours… But you don’t do tattoos, do you?
Vince: No, you don’t want me to do that on anybody!
Sonic Shocks: You’ve never tattooed anyone?
Vince: Just once, a few lines really, it scared the shit out of me!
Sonic Shocks: Who let you do that?
Vince: Actually one of my artists! (laughs)
Sonic Shocks: Does he still speak to you?
Vince: Oh yeah, he has to, I pay him!
Sonic Shocks: Let’s talk about the album “Tattoos and tequila”, which is a cover album… How did you choose the artists to cover?
Vince: When you’re driving your car you hear a song, and you remember what you were doing at that time. For me, each song has a specific memory attached to it, and I know exactly what I was doing in that part of my life. I wanted this record to be like a soundtrack of my life.
Sonic Shocks: Are they in chronological order?
Vince: No. (laughs) I never thought about that. It’s like… ‘Another piece of meat’ from Scorpions, it brings me back to when Tommy and I where 15 years old and would listen to that song over and over and over, driving around his van and trying to look for girls; ‘Nobody’s fault’ by Aerosmith, we were 15-17 then and going to the beach surfing every day, and listen to the “Rocks” album.
Sonic Shocks: I really like ‘He’s a whore’ from Cheap Trick!
Vince: I used to sing that song when I was 15 in a band called Hard Candy, before Motley Crue, and when Motley Crue wanted to do a cover on the Theatre Of Pain album, I brought in two suggestions: one was ‘He’s a Whore’ and one was ‘Smokin’ In The Boys Room’. We tried them both, and obviously ‘Smoking In The Boys Room’ made it on the record and became a hit, but it could have just as easily been ‘He’s a Whore’. I played it the other night in Vegas and Rick Nielsen came on stage to play guitar on it.
Sonic Shocks: Oh, I wish I was there for that!
You also have two original tracks on this album: the title track, which is pretty much what I expected from a Vince Neil song called Tattoos and Tequilas, and the second one, ‘Another Bad Day’, that didn’t make it to the New Tattoo album…
Vince: Well, actually everybody say that but Nikki and I are not sure if that was even before, because we remember it didn’t make it on the album because Tommy didn’t like the song, and Tommy didn’t play drums on New Tattoo, so we’re not entirely sure when it was written and what album for!
Sonic Shocks: It was just there lying on a shelf…
Vince: Out of all the songs we’ve done with Motley Crue and not released this one really stuck out, I just loved the song, love to sing it.
Sonic Shocks: What’s your band’s line up at the moment?
Vince: Still the same one: Dana Strum on bass from Slaughter, Jeff Blando on guitar and Zoltan Chaney on drums.
Sonic Shocks: When is the book coming out?
Vince: In September.
Sonic Shocks: It’s your first personal autobiography; how does it compare to “The Dirt”?
Vince: The Dirt was written by four guys, this is MY story. I touched a lot of things in The Dirt but I really didn’t get into details; me growing up, my neighbourhood, I grew up in Compton and there were murders and such… It’s the story of me growing up, getting into rock’n’roll, the tragedies in my life, things in and out of Motley, and it’s also ten years on so a lot of things happened since then. It’ s not only my perspective on my life, a lot of other people are in there: my mum and dad, ex wives, managers, friends, band members from other bands…
Sonic Shocks: Bandmates from Motley Crue?
Vince: Nikki is in there.
Sonic Shocks: Is he the one you feel closer to now?
Vince: I talk to him a little bit more than the other guys, but you know, we don’t even live in the same cities: they live in LA and I lived in Vegas and San Francisco, so we mainly get together when we’re rehearsing or something.
Sonic Shocks: How do you plan to promote this book?
Vince: I will be doing a tour in the States, then come back over here for a world tour too. I would be doing it now, but I had some time off then Motley all of a sudden threw these shows at me, and the Ozzfest! (laughs)
Sonic Shocks: Since Motley are doing Ozzfest in the US, any chance to see them at the UK Ozzfest in September?
Vince: I don’t have the time really, I took time off Motley to do this stuff, although it would be good if I could come back with my solo band and do it.
Sonic Shocks: Any chance that’s gonna happen?
Vince: Not that I know of!
Sonic Shocks: Well, Ozzfest promoters reading this… (laugh)
What else is happening with Motley Crue, just live shows or is there anything new being recorded?
Vince: No, just these five-six shows in Europe and America, that’s it.
Sonic Shocks: Anything coming up in the future?
Vince: Probably we’ll have something out at the beginning of next year for our 30thanniversary.
Sonic Shocks: How is Mick getting on?
Vince: He’s doing good, thanks.
Sonic Shocks: You’ll be playing the second UK Edition of Sonisphere this weekend, a young but extremely successful Festival; do you think it’s going to rival Download?
Vince: I don’t know, we just show up and play! (laughs) As long as there are a lot of people there who wanna come out and see us, that’s great.
Sonic Shocks: You’ve been around for a while now; do you still enjoy doing this or is it just a job?
Vince: No, I love it, and this is why when Motley are not touring, I’m always touring! I haven’t had a vacation since we started.
Sonic Shocks: Do you have the same fun on your own that you have with Motley Crue?
Vince: Yes, I have the best of both worlds! With Motley I get to do Festivals and headline on big stages, and with my solo band I play smaller places, sometimes clubs, more intimate venues.
Sonic Shocks: What difference did you find between Festivals here and in the US?
Vince: The Festivals here are just amazing; I wish the US would put together Festivals like those in the UK. People here are more passionate I think.
Sonic Shocks: Reading your recent press releases, you come across as a grown up businessman, yet report on your antics tell a different story. Do you have a double personality, someone looking after the business side of things for you or are you just throwing money down the drain?
Vince: I only choose businesses I have fun with. I have clubs playing live music and I can see new bands coming up, and bands like Ratt and LA Guns come to my club to play. And my place in Palm Beach is bars and dancing girls, I have tattoo parlours and I get my tattoos for free now (laughs), I just opened a Mexican place in Vegas, a Mexican Cantina, because I love Mexican food…
Sonic Shocks: So hold on, the plan is to make money with rock’n’roll and buy places to get everything you like for free? Is that how it works?
Vince: Yeah, but you have to remember I make money on those things too! (laughs)
Sonic Shocks: Would you ever consider getting them all together and organizing a Tattoo Convention with live bands where Mexican food and Tequila are served?
Vince: If the American laws would allow it, but at least in Vegas you cannot serve alcohol in tattoo parlours.
Sonic Shocks: Really? Not even conventions? I think you can in the UK…
Vince: We’ll have to do it over here then! (laughs)
Sonic Shocks: When are you going to Sonisphere?
Vince: Going there tomorrow and playing on Saturday.
Sonic Shocks: Any act you’re particularly looking forward to see?
Vince: I don’t even know who’s on the bill!
Sonic Shocks: Alice Cooper is playing tomorrow night. Rammstein headlining on Saturday, Iron Maiden on Sunday.
Vince: I’d like to see Iron Maiden, haven’t seen them for a while.
Sonic Shocks: You’re a ladies’ man, what’s your take on the size zero debate? Who would you pick between a size zero model and a full figured Marilyn Monroe sized kind of girl?
Vince: (laughs) I’m more a curvy girl kind of guy, you just have to look at the women in my life! Would go for Marilyn Monroe.
Sonic Shocks: Writing your autobiography, you must have been looking back at your life quite a lot; if you could go back in time and do only one thing differently, which one would it be?
Vince: I don’t know, because what I’ve done in my life, the mistakes that I’ve made, I learned from them, or tried to learn from them, and apply that to my life, so everything that I’ve done there’s always been some good coming out of it.
Sonic Shocks: So you wouldn’t change anything?
Vince: No.
Sonic Shocks: A lot of people my age grew up with Motley Crue, and if you asked them what they would put on their dictionary next to ‘rock’n’roller’, they would say ‘Vince Neil’. What would be Vince Neil’s definition of a rock’n’roller?
Vince: I guess a musical person that just does things his own way!
Interview by The Wicked Witch and Elvira
Party igår....Skogen idag !!!!

I can´t......
Hurra jag är en vinnare !!!


Tattoos & Tequila: To Hell and Back


Tack för tipset Pernilla N det här var en jättebra låt !
5 dar kvar til Ozzy+ Crashdiet ...

Tommy Lee & Methods Of Mayhem

Lill Lördag idag....